Connecting your CARLUEX PRO+ is typically a straightforward process. Just follow these steps:
1. Plug the CARLUEX PRO+ into your vehicle's USB port.
2. Navigate to your vehicle's Apple CarPlay section. Depending on your vehicle, this section may be located within one of the areas on your Streaming Apps board. Add a new device and select the one that starts with CARLUEX-XXXX.
3. When prompted, select "Pair" on the vehicle screen.
4. Wait for the product to establish an automatic connection.
This should establish a seamless connection with your CARLUEX PRO+ device. However, if you encounter any connectivity issues, please feel free to contact us.
You can also check out the tutorial video here ⇒ Link
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Edgar Batista Rodrigues
Gostaria de adquirir um
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